Congratulations. You survived your childhood. It wasn’t easy and there were many things that happened that you could not deal with at the time. Many emotions you were trained to not feel and push away every time they came up. The good news is that the body remembers everything. Everything that has ever happened to you is stored in the library of your subconscious.  You developed patterns to cope. Behaviour patterns, stories you tell yourself, physical tensions. Some of these patterns that once worked well in your life are now limiting you. Maybe you were the good child- everyone loved you but does it still serve you now you are 40?  Life Alignment can help you release these patterns.


The drive towards healing and wholeness is a natural process and your body with be constantly offering you opportunities to deal with your stored stories. The life of an emotion is 3 minutes. You can get stuck in an emotion for 70 years by feeding it thoughts on a loop. If tell yourself that you are the one person on earth who never felt angry, maybe you are ready to look deeper into your wholeness and see what is there.